Western Wildcats Hockey Club

Western Wildcats Hockey Club News story


06 Oct 2020

1. Obey all government travel rules getting to and from Auchenhowie.
2. Arrive directly before the session or game and socially distance while waiting to get onto the pitch.
3. Enter through the gate at the grass side of the pitch and exit through the gate at the spectator side.
4. Only enter the pitch once everyone from the game or session before has left.
5. Sanitise hands on entry and exit.
6. Practice social distancing while warming up, doing team talks.
7. Bring only what you need, only touch your own stuff and leave with everything you brought.
8. The dugouts are OUT OF BOUNDS and must NOT be used.
9. No spectators so please ask anyone giving you a lift down not to hang about.
10. Please make sure any touch points are wiped down afterwards (the gate, the goals etc).  
11. Make sure your attendance is recorded for Test and Protect.
12. After your game or session please do not hang about. Leave directly.